Clean Water is a Human Right!

Clean water is a basic human right and on April 25 2014 in the city of Flint, Michigan those rights were violated. Toxic water from the murky flint river was pumped into the city’s drinking water supply. Laced with e coli and siphoned through corroded lead pipes, this untreated water could be seen as a murder attempt on the citizens of Flint. This website’s goal is to educate the public on how the crisis happened, why it happened and how Flint can prevent it from ever happening again.
Flint Michigan failed to meet the expectations set by Just sustainability. Their water department failed to set up a water system for the current generation and future generations. The city surrendered living within the ecosystem limits. Flint did a miserable job of providing their citizens with any kind of quality of life. Last but not least the racist leaders behind the Flint water crisis have no sense of the words justice and equity.